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导读:1 cake是一种甜点,通常由面粉、糖、奶油等原料制作而成。:I made a delicious cake for my friend& 39;s birthday party (我

1.cake是一种甜点,通常由面粉、糖、奶油等原料制作而成。:I made a delicious cake for my friend's birthday party.(我为朋友的生日派对做了一块美味的蛋糕。)

2.cake也可以指一种圆形或方形的食物,类似于面包。:I bought a loaf of cake from the bakery.(我从面包店买了一块蛋糕。)

3.cake也可以指厚厚的一层物质覆盖在表面,类似于蛋糕上的奶油。:The snow was so thick that it looked like a layer of cake on the ground.(雪太厚了,看起来就像地面上覆盖着一层蛋糕。)

4.在俚语中,cake也可以指容易做到或者轻而易举的事情。:This homework is a piece of cake for me.(这份作业对我来说轻而易举。)

5.cake也可以用作动词,意为“把某物涂抹在表面上”。:She caked her face with makeup before going to the party.(她在去派对之前在脸上涂抹了化妆品。)










1.cake batter(蛋糕面团)

2.chocolate cake(巧克力蛋糕)

3.birthday cake(生日蛋糕)

4.cake mix(蛋糕混合物)

5.cake pan(蛋糕模具)


1.cake是一种甜点,通常由面粉、糖、奶油等原料制作而成。:I made a delicious cake for my friend's birthday party.(我为朋友的生日派对做了一块美味的蛋糕。)

2.cake也可以指一种圆形或方形的食物,类似于面包。:I bought a loaf of cake from the bakery.(我从面包店买了一块蛋糕。)

3.cake也可以指厚厚的一层物质覆盖在表面,类似于蛋糕上的奶油。:The snow was so thick that it looked like a layer of cake on the ground.(雪太厚了,看起来就像地面上覆盖着一层蛋糕。)

4.在俚语中,cake也可以指容易做到或者轻而易举的事情。:This homework is a piece of cake for me.(这份作业对我来说轻而易举。)

5.cake也可以用作动词,意为“把某物涂抹在表面上”。:She caked her face with makeup before going to the party.(她在去派对之前在脸上涂抹了化妆品。)

1.cake is a sweet dessert usually made from flour, sugar, butter and other ingredients. For example: I made a delicious cake for my friend's birthday party.

2.cake can also refer to a round or square food similar to bread. For example: I bought a loaf of cake from the bakery.

3.cake can also refer to a thick layer of substance covering the surface, similar to the cream on a cake. For example: The snow was so thick that it looked like a layer of cake on the ground.

4.In slang, cake can also refer to something that is easy or effortless. For example: This homework is a piece of cake for me.

5.cake can also be used as a verb meaning "to spread something on the surface." For example: She caked her face with makeup before going to the party.


1.cake是一种甜点,通常由面粉、糖、奶油等原料制作而成。:I made a delicious cake for my friend's birthday party.(我为朋友的生日派对做了一块美味的蛋糕。)

2.cake也可以指一种圆形或方形的食物,类似于面包。:I bought a loaf of cake from the bakery.(我从面包店买了一块蛋糕。)

3.cake也可以指厚厚的一层物质覆盖在表面,类似于蛋糕上的奶油。:The snow was so thick that it looked like a layer of cake on the ground.(雪太厚了,看起来就像地面上覆盖着一层蛋糕。)

4.在俚语中,cake也可以指容易做到或者轻而易举的事情。:This homework is a piece of cake for me.(这份作业对我来说轻而易举。)

5.cake也可以用作动词,意为“把某物涂抹在表面上”。:She caked her face with makeup before going to the party.(她在去派对之前在脸上涂抹了化妆品。)







1.cake是一种甜点,通常由面粉、糖、奶油等原料制作而成。:I made a delicious cake for my friend's birthday party.(我为朋友的生日派对做了一块美味的蛋糕。)

2.cake也可以指一种圆形或方形的食物,类似于面包。:I bought a loaf of cake from the bakery.(我从面包店买了一块蛋糕。)

3.cake也可以指厚厚的一层物质覆盖在表面,类似于蛋糕上的奶油。:The snow was so thick that it looked like a layer of cake on the ground.(雪太厚了,看起来就像地面上覆盖着一层蛋糕。)

4.在俚语中,cake也可以指容易做到或者轻而易举的事情。:This homework is a piece of cake for me.(这份作业对我来说轻而易举。)

5.cake也可以用作动词,意为“把某物涂抹在表面上”。:She caked her face with makeup before going to the party.(她在去派对之前在脸上涂抹了化妆品。)

1.Cake is a sweet dessert usually made from flour, sugar, butter and other ingredients. For example: I made a delicious cake for my friend's birthday party.

2.Cake can also refer to a round or square food similar to bread. For example: I bought a loaf of cake from the bakery.

3.Cake can also refer to a thick layer of substance covering the surface, similar to the cream on a cake. For example: The snow was so thick that it looked like a layer of cake on the ground.

4.In slang, cake can also refer to something that is easy or effortless. For example: This homework is a piece of cake for me.

5.Cake can also be used as a verb meaning "to spread something on the surface." For example: She caked her face with makeup before going to the party.


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