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used to的意思和用法

导读:used to是一个常用的英语短语,它可以表示过去某个时间段内的习惯、状态或行为。它的用法非常灵活,可以用于肯定句、否定句以及疑问句中...

used to是一个常用的英语短语,它可以表示过去某个时间段内的习惯、状态或行为。它的用法非常灵活,可以用于肯定句、否定句以及疑问句中。在本文中,我们将详细解释used to的意思和用法,并提供一些例句来帮助读者更好地理解。

used to的意思

首先,让我们来看一下used to的字面意思。Used是动词use的过去式,意为“使用”,而to则是一个介词,表示目的或方向。因此,used to字面上可以理解为“曾经使用”。但在实际使用中,它有着更广泛的含义。

used to可以表示过去某个时间段内经常做某事。这个时间段通常已经结束或者与现在不再相关。:

- I used to play basketball every day when I was in high school.(我高中时每天都会打篮球)

- She used to live in Paris before she moved to New York.(她以前住在巴黎,在搬到纽约之前)

- They used to go camping every summer, but now they prefer staying in a hotel.(他们以前每年夏天都会去野营,但现在更喜欢住酒店)

此外,used to还可以表示过去某种状态或习惯。:

- My grandfather used to be a doctor.(我祖父曾经是一名医生)

- She used to be afraid of dogs, but now she has a pet dog.(她以前害怕狗,但现在有一只宠物狗了)

- They used to live in a big house, but now they have downsized.(他们以前住在一栋大房子里,但现在搬到了小房子里)

used to的用法


在肯定句中,used to通常与动词原形连用。它可以表示过去经常做某事或过去某种状态。:

- I used to eat fast food every day, but now I cook at home.(我以前每天都吃快餐,但现在我在家做饭)

- She used to live in London, but now she lives in Berlin.(她以前住在伦敦,但现在住在柏林)

- They used to travel a lot before they had kids.(他们有孩子之前经常旅行)


当used to出现在否定句中时,通常要加上助动词did和not构成didn't use to。:

- I didn't use to like spicy food, but now I love it.(我以前不喜欢辣食,但现在很爱吃)

- She didn't use to drink coffee, but now she can't start her day without it.(她以前不喝咖啡,但现在每天都离不开它)

- They didn't use to have a car, but now they have two.(他们以前没有车,但现在有两辆)


在疑问句中,used to通常要使用助动词did来构成did you use to。:

- Did you use to play any musical instruments?(你以前会弹奏乐器吗?)

- Where did she use to work before she retired?(她退休之前在哪里工作过?)

- Did they use to live in this neighborhood?(他们以前住在这个社区吗?)

4.used to的延伸用法

除了上述提到的基本用法,used to还可以表示某种习惯或情况已经改变。:

- She used to be a vegetarian, but now she eats meat.(她以前是素食主义者,但现在吃肉了)

- They used to be best friends, but now they don't even talk to each other.(他们以前是最好的朋友,但现在连话都不说了)

- I used not to like reading, but now I can't go a day without it.(我以前不喜欢阅读,但现在一天都离不开它)


1. I used to smoke a pack of cigarettes every day, but I quit three years ago.

2. Did you use to have long hair when you were young?

3. She didn't use to be so outgoing, but she has changed a lot since she moved to a new city.

4. They used to go skiing every winter, but now they prefer snowboarding.

5. I didn't use to like horror movies, but now I enjoy watching them.


used to是一个表示过去习惯、状态或行为的常用短语。它可以用于肯定句、否定句以及疑问句中,而且其用法非常灵活。需要注意的是,当used to出现在否定句和疑问句中时,要使用助动词did来构成didn't use to和did you use to。希望本文对读者能有所帮助,并能更好地理解和运用used to这个短语。

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