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UCO是什么意思 UCO是“Unidentified Chemical Object”的缩写

导读:UCO是英文单词Unidentified Chemical Object的缩写,意为未知化学物质。它可以指代任何未知的化学物质,可能是一种新的化合物,也可能...

UCO是英文单词“Unidentified Chemical Object”的缩写,意为“未知化学物质”。它可以指代任何未知的化学物质,可能是一种新的化合物,也可能是一种无法识别的危险物质。

UCO的用法十分广泛,它可以用作名词,形容词或者动词。作为名词时,它通常指代一个未知的化学物质,:“The lab is analyzing the UCO found at the crime scene.”(实验室正在分析在犯罪现场的UCO)。作为形容词时,它可以修饰其他名词,表示这个名词所指代的是一个未知的化学物质。:“The substance was identified as UCO, and further tests are needed to determine its properties.”(这种物质被鉴定为UCO,并需要进一步测试来确定其特性)。作为动词时,UCO意为“无法辨认”,通常用于描述无法确定某种化学物质的成分或性质。:“The chemical compound UCOed the scientists for months until they finally identified it as a new element.”(这种化合物让科学家们研究了数月之久,最终他们才将其确认为一种新元素)。


1. The firefighters were called in to deal with a UCO that was leaking from a container in the laboratory.(消防员被召唤来处理实验室中一个漏出的UCO)

2. The mysterious substance found at the crash site is still being tested to determine if it is UCO or not.(在坠机现场的神秘物质仍在测试中,以确定它是否为UCO)

3. The scientists were unable to identify the chemical compound, so they simply referred to it as UCO until further analysis could be done.(科学家们无法识别这种化合物,因此他们暂时将其称为UCO,直到进行进一步分析)

4. The police found several containers of UCO in the suspect's basement, which turned out to be highly toxic and illegal substances.(在嫌疑人的地下室了几个装满UCO的容器,结果这些都是高毒性和非法物质)

5. The new chemical compound has been labeled as UCO until its properties and potential uses can be determined by further research and testing.(这种新化合物被标记为UCO,直到经过进一步研究和测试才能确定其特性和潜在用途)。

