导读:the social network是指由个人、组织和企业形成的一种社会关系网络,通过这种网络,人们可以相互交流、分享信息和资源,从而促进社会发...
the social network是指由个人、组织和企业形成的一种社会关系网络,通过这种网络,人们可以相互交流、分享信息和资源,从而促进社会发展和个人成长。它是现代社会中不可或缺的一部分,随着互联网的普及和发展,社交网络变得越来越重要。
the social network通常用作名词短语,可以作为主语、宾语或定语。:
- The social network has greatly impacted the way people communicate.
- She is very active on various social networks.
- He is a member of a large social network that spans multiple countries.
1. The rise of social networks has changed the way we interact with others.
2. Many businesses use social networks to promote their products and services.
3. I met my best friend through a social network.
4. The government is using social networks to gather public opinions on important issues.
5. She spends hours scrolling through her social network feeds every day.
the social network是指一个人或群体在社会中建立起来的关系网络,这种网络可以促进信息和资源的交流和分享,对个人和社会都有重要意义。它已经成为现代社会不可或缺的一部分,对于我们每个人来说都有着巨大的影响。