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sweet是什么意思 Sweet是一个形容词主要有两种含义



1. “甜的”含义:

- The cake tastes really sweet. (这个蛋糕味道很甜。)

- I like to add some honey to my tea to make it sweeter. (我喜欢在茶里加一些蜂蜜,让它更甜。)

- This candy is too sweet for my liking. (这个糖果对我来说太甜了。)

2. “可爱的”、“迷人的”、“令人愉悦的”含义:

- She has the sweetest smile I've ever seen. (她有着我见过最甜美的微笑。)

- The little girl is so sweet, she always helps her classmates with their homework. (那个小女孩真可爱,她总是帮同学们做作业。)

- The couple's love story is really sweet and romantic. (这对情侣的爱情故事非常甜蜜浪漫。)


- Can I have a piece of your sweet? (我可以吃一块你的糖果吗?)

- After dinner, we usually have some sweets for dessert. (晚餐后,我们通常会吃一些甜点作为甜品。)


- The team's victory was a sweet moment for the coach. (球队的胜利对教练来说是一个美好的时刻。)

- It's such a sweet feeling to be surrounded by loved ones. (被亲人包围着是一种令人满足的感觉。)


- She has always been very sweet to me, I'm grateful for her friendship. (她一直对我很友善,我很感激她的友谊。)

- The old lady gave us a sweet smile as we passed by her house. (我们经过她家时,老太太给了我们一个和蔼的微笑。)



1. She looked so sweet in her pink dress.


2. My grandmother always bakes the most delicious sweets during the holidays.


3. The new baby is so sweet, she never cries and always smiles.


4. The sweet fragrance of the flowers filled the air.


5. I can't believe she got me tickets to my favorite band's concert, that's so sweet of her!

