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smoky是什么意思 smoky是一个形容词用来描述有烟雾或烟尘的地方或物体





1. The bar was filled with smoky air, making it hard to breathe.(这家酒吧里充满了烟雾,让人难以呼吸。)

2. The smoky smell of burning wood filled the room.(燃烧木材的浓郁气味弥漫了整个房间。)

3. The old train chugged along, leaving behind a trail of smoky exhaust.(古老的火车咕噜噜地行驶着,留下一条条浓郁的尾气。)


1. She looked at him with smoky eyes and a seductive smile.(她用如烟般迷离的眼神和撩人的微笑看着他。)

2. The fire burned smokily, casting a warm glow on their faces.(火焰冉冉升起,给他们的脸上披上一层温暖的光晕。)

3. The singer's voice was smoky and soulful, captivating the audience.(歌手的嗓音浑厚而富有感染力,吸引了观众的注意力。)


1. The smoky haze hung over the city, giving it a mysterious and alluring atmosphere.

2. The steak was cooked to perfection, with a smoky char on the outside and tender pink meat on the inside.

3. She gazed out at the smoky sunset, lost in thought about her future.

4. The abandoned factory was filled with smoky memories of its former glory days.

5. He took a drag of his cigarette, enjoying the smoky taste and feeling of relaxation it brought.

