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smiling是什么意思 smiling是指一种面部表情通常是嘴角上扬






1. Keep smiling.(保持微笑)

2. He greeted me with a big smile on his face.(他脸上挂着灿烂的微笑向我打招呼)

3. She has a warm and genuine smile that lights up the room.(她有一种温暖真诚的微笑,能够照亮整个房间)

4. The children were all smiling and laughing as they played together.(孩子们在一起玩耍时都在笑得合不拢嘴)

5. Despite the challenges, she always faces life with a smile.(尽管面临挑战,她总是带着微笑面对生活)


1. As I walked down the street, I couldn't help but notice the people passing by, each one with a different expression on their face. Some looked serious, some looked worried, but there were also those who were smiling from ear to ear.

2. When I saw my best friend after a long time apart, we both broke into smiles and hugged each other tightly.

3. The actor's charming smile captured the hearts of the audience, making them fall in love with his character instantly.

4. Despite losing the game, the team captain smiled and congratulated their opponents on a well-played match.

5. The old man sat on the bench in the park, watching children playing and smiling to himself as he reminisced about his own childhood memories.

