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quotation怎么读是什么意思 Quotation是英语中的一个名词意为“引用报价

导读:Quotation怎么读?这个词的读音是[kwo-tey-shuh n],重音在第一个音节。它的发音和单词"quote"很相似,只是结尾多了一个"-tion"的音节。...

Quotation怎么读?这个词的读音是[kwo-tey-shuh n],重音在第一个音节。它的发音和单词"quote"很相似,只是结尾多了一个"-tion"的音节。


1. 引用:指从其他人或其他作品中摘取出来的文字或言论。:“这篇文章中有很多名人名言的引用。”

2. 报价:指商业交易中提出的价格。:“请给我一份汽车保险的报价。”

3. 语录:指有名言或句的句子或段落。:“他经常在演讲中引用马丁路德金(Martin Luther King)的语录。”


1. "The article is full of quotations from famous philosophers."(这篇文章里引用了许多著名哲学家的话。)

2. "Can you give me a quotation for the repair of my car?"(你能给我汽车维修的报价吗?)

3. "The book is filled with inspiring quotations from great leaders."(这本书里有许多伟大的励志语录。)


1. "She always starts her speeches with a famous quotation to grab the audience's attention."(她总是以一句名言开场,来吸引听众的注意力。)

2. "The quotation for the renovation of our office was much higher than we expected."(我们办公室翻新的报价比我们预期的要高得多。)

3. "In his essay, he used a quotation from Shakespeare to illustrate his point."(在他的文章中,他引用了莎士比亚的一句话来阐述他的观点。)

4. "The company's stock price fell sharply after the CEO's quotation about their future plans."(公司CEO关于未来计划的报价后,股价急剧下跌。)

5. "I like to write down inspiring quotations in my journal to motivate myself every day."(我喜欢把激励人心的语录写在日记里,每天都能给自己动力。)


