1. The hotel is closed for renovations. (这家酒店正在进行装修。)
2. The renovations on the old building have been completed. (这座老建筑物的翻新工程已经完成。)
3. The school budget includes funds for renovations of the science lab. (学校预算中包括用于科学实验室翻新的资金。)
4. We are planning some renovations to our house next year. (我们明年计划对房子进行一些装修。)
5. The city council has approved a plan for the renovations of the downtown area. (市议会已经批准了市中心地区的改造计划。)
1. The old mansion underwent extensive renovations before it was turned into a museum.
2. The renovations on the historic church were met with both praise and criticism from the community.
3. The company decided to relocate its headquarters and renovations on the new building have already begun.
4. The renovations on the stadium were completed just in time for the World Cup.
5. The renovations of the old shopping mall brought new life to the area, attracting more visitors and businesses.